The ARK Riverfly System

Riverfly monitoring assesses the water quality of the river, identifying and counting 8 indicator invertebrates.The data collected is verified and then shared with the Environment Agency, The Riverfly Partnership, Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre, The Wildlife Trust and other interested parties.

Cased Caddis Caseless Caddis Mayflies Blue Winged Olive
Cased caddis (trichoptera)
Caseless caddis (trichoptera)
Mayfly (ephemeridae)
BWO (ephemerellidae) 
Flat Bodies Olives Stoneflies Freshwater Shrimp
Flat bodied (heptageniidae)
Olives (baetidae)
Stoneflies (plecoptera)
Freshwater shrimp (gammarus)

Riverfly monitors monitor their site every month, unless it is unsafe to do so or if fish are spawning. By the end of each month volunteers  upload their data, but contact ARK's Riverfly Co-ordinator Anna Forbes immediately if there is a Trigger Level Breach.